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24 Hour Blender Challenge

Day Each

Skills Used:

Blender Logo

When Blender 2.8 came out I wanted to learn it for a few reasons:

To achieve these goals I set myself the challenge to learn a new system in blender and produce an art work based on that system in only 24 hours.

This is a hand picked sub set of all the renders I have done as part of this challenge. You can see the full collection on my Instagram.

Neon Wave

This was the first render I did in Blender. My goal was just to learn how the interface worked. To do this I followed along with this YouTube tutorial.

Zooming Boxes

My goal in this render was to make a looping video. But I also ended up learning:

  • Precise modelling
  • Camera Perspectives
  • Animation Curves

Cup of Tea

My goal in this render was to learn how to model complex shapes. I also created some other tea-set models.

Water Splash

In this render my goal was to learn about Blender's new FLIP fluid simulation.


In this render I learnt about:

  • Compositing
  • Finding camera settings from an image
  • Matching the lighting in an image


My goal in this render was to learn about glass shaders.


My goal in this render was to learn about adding textures to materials. In this example I started with a screenshot and modelled everything else.

Procedural Planet Generator

In this render I learnt about:

  • Displacements
  • Bump maps
  • Normals
  • More complex procedural materials

Rusting Chain

In this render my goal was to learn about animating material properties.

Brighton Bus

In this render I was trying to learn how to model a large number of assets in the limited amount of time.

Pool Table

In this render my goal was to learn more about Blender's physics.

Greek Parthenon

In this render my goal was to learn about non destructive modelling by using modifiers.

Magic Monkey

My goal in this render was to learn about Blender's cloth simulation.

8K Desktop Background

In this render I learnt about optimizing render times.