During my time at TT Odyssey, I have been recognised for improving multiple workflows across the studio.
Unit testing
Code reviews using github's pull request workflow
Automated integration testing using my AI
Improving pre-production documents
How we onboard new starters
How we hand over from leaving employees
Made our stand-up meetings more streamlined
Contributed heavily to retrospectives
Client side unit testing
Server Tools
We created multiple web tools to help support our develop of the game.
I create a tool to capture snapshots of players profiles in both dev and live environments from any version, this tool dramatical reduced time needed to fix bugs.
New Unit Creation
I was the Lead on the unit creation of some of our most popular units.
I created our localisation system that supports 17 languages.
This system also caterers for each language's cultures differences such as:
Making the UI responsive to extreme string lengths
As our game has to run on low spec mobile devices it is critical that we test and optimize the performance of are app on devices regularly to maintain a shippable build.